


Gue lupa gue harusnya ngetik inggris. Ehem. Tapi jangan diketawain yah. Oke today was okay. Few days ago I had this idea to delete my tweets because I have tweeted too much and I look so bacot ya. So I went to google trying to find a tutorial of how I can delete all my tweets at once but I found none and I decided to erase them one by one which was obviously stupid recalling that my tweets are so banyak. Me then went back to google and found the site named twitwipe which was said to be able to erase all tweets easily and then I tried it but it only wiped 8 tweets hfff so yes I went back to uncle google and tried another web named twitlan or something and when I tried it it was equally disappointing, but when I tried it again today it worked!! Turns out I was the one not knowing how to use the thing. Okay soooo

This twitlan is able to show us all tweets and allow us to select which tweets we want to delete.  AAAND when I select the tweets I got some tweets I found interesting~

Yes, you can now see the nucleus of this long story I am telling you ya gue mau pamer. No dont close the page yet, ini pamer with graceful wave (apaantuh maap asal bunyi) jadi ini ya take a look at the tweet I tweeted on May 17th. "ikut simak gak ya :<" HAHA padahal oe olang masup UI lewat jalur simak...... okhay that was when I didnt get accepted di ITB thru snmptn or idk maybe it was when I was hopelessly waiting for the result. why hopeless? I couldnt remember if I had filled the nomer peserta atau belom. Yaudah. And yes as expected I didnt get the chair in ITB. I was so depressed, but it's good to know that now I can laugh at it wkwkw you see, my senior once said that the key to be happy in life is to realize that in every hard situation, there is always one tiny little funny thing to laugh at. So laugh at it and be happy, tapi menurut gue ya jangan pas ada orang meninggal terus cari-cari hal lucu dari kejadian itu juga lah ya.... nggak happy ending banget kalo digebukin pihak berduka.

THEN on May 22nd. "Alhamdulillah menang iPad2, makasih bgt yang udah bantuin ngelike!" IYA ini yang mau dipamerin okay. I once with my friends ikut kompetisi. We had to make a vision bla-bla-bla so here's my vision.
Iya gue tau visinya biasa banget dan fotonya engga banget wkwk. I tried to make a lot of visions and some of them were unique (menurut guesih) but from hundreds of visions, penyelenggaranya ngambil 5 visi dan punya gue yang keambil ya yang biasa ini. Terus ya proses selanjutnya gue dibantu teman-teman gue ega sama cika dan MENANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya itu the announcement was on May 22nd I was pretty satisfied although I was so uneasy because of the snmptn thing, remember.

Then this one is unpredictable. "ALHAMDULILLAAAH DAPET IPAD LAGI DEMI APA? DEMI APA? SAMA DAPET TIKET WATERBOM BUAT 5 ORANG YA ALLAH MIMPI APA?" HAHA so yes along with the previous contest I also got into another competition. This one I did it by myself. I had to make copy-ads (like ads but on twitter, each ad has to be only in 90 chars and divided into 3 sentences so each sentence contains 30 chars whatever). At first it was said that the price was an ipod shuffle bukan ipad. I needed an ipod so I worked hard to get the prize. I made like............ 500 ads. That was like around 500 tweets wakakak. Then when the announcement came out I was kind of shocked wkwk I was expecting an ipod but then I got an ipad. I suddenly contact the penyelenggara ini bener apa kaga dapet ipad terus katanya bener HAHA alhamdulillah. Serru banget deh penghibur hati.

Udah deh. Oh ya Im planning on buying an ipod classic idk my ipad will be taken by my sister so ya I need a company when my kosan mati lampu jadi ya gitu deh. OH YA nonton ini deh lucubet zirrrrrrr sekalian pamit deh adios komedos!!!

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